Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Yamoments: Oh Yes I can

In the Yamoment blog series, I'd like to invite you to take a moment for mindfulness and reflection. I add some picture qoutes, new ideas I am learning and bible verses I find along the way. 

Have fun!

Stay in the moment and enjoy the mindful living. 

There are lots of instances in my life that I believe I can’t make it.  Getting the confidence and courage is so hard to achieve.  One of this is facing up temptations.  If you’re reading my blogs, you will fell that I am a goal-oriented person.  I have a lot of goals and yet It’s so hard for me to stick with it because of my own weaknesses to challenges.  

And upon reading Joyce Meyer’s Promises for Your Everyday Life, she assured me that I can beat temptations.  I just have to be ready when I am tempted.

She said, I am right! I can’t face my struggles alone, with my own ability and strength. 

I agree with her.  I just have to do five things to overcome temptations for not achieving my goals.

  1. I got to be wise. Choices and consequences must be looked ahead.
  2. I have to believe that I can.  Negative thoughts can loose their power if we stop them early but if we keep rolling in our mind they are hard to stop. 
  3. Think that temptation is just part of normal life. Always expect fight and be ready.
  4. Avoid areas of weaknesses.  Don’t get in any situations that I can easily fall.  Example, never go with people who always talk about their people so I can avoid making useless/negative judgement to the topic person.
  5. Don’t give yourself too much credit. It’s easy to feel that we are matured enough with struggle.  We became righteous in our own thinking.  Oh oh!!!  And that’s the point of being an easy target.  We have that huge assumption of being strong which became our weakest point.

And I reflected on this passage “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”-1 Cor 10-13

Just lean on HIS strength and trust on His promises, there is no temptation I can overcome. 

I remember also Fr. Alex Balatbat’s sermon last Sunday about guarding our heart to temptations.  He said, “Own it and have power over it.  Allow Jesus, his love and presence embrace us.”

Oh Yes I can do it!

How about you?  How do you resist temptations?

Have a great day ahead!


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