Friday, May 31, 2013

Mid-year's Resolution

Whew! Time flies so fast.  It quickly ate half of the year 2013.  And who says that I can't have my resolution in the middle of the year? Yes, I am making it and I will start it right now.  Hold your breath and believe in me. (haha!)

Mid-year's Resolution # 1: Strong Body, Beautiful Mind

I renewed my membership at Slimmers World-Adriatico last May 18.  My previous' "1-year membership" helped me meet my ideal weight (120lbs).  At the same time increased my metabolism and attained my eating discipline.
Membership Card, my key to enter the Fitness Center
I decided to continue my fitness program because I love my daily routine exercise and I felt that my body needs the work out I used to do.  And I have one ultimate goal for this one year membership..........(don't laugh)........ to have a "tight abs" like this....(No rolling of eyes pleaaaaase!)

Women's Health- June Issue

I know I know….it is not realistic because of my previous pregnancies but I have all the guts to try.  I just love to see myself wearing tight-fit jeans without a belly bulge (in my dreams!). Of course CONFIDENCE,  we all know the influence of having it.  Confidence makes a person happy.  As a wife and a mom, it has a big factor in fulfilling such a wonderful task.  How can you teach your child "BEING CONFIDENT" if you yourself don’t have it? It adds positive attitude towards success.  On the other hand, if you’re a confident wife, less relationship issues.  No insecurities and you will learn how to trust your partner too.

Going back to my goal, I started reading post and articles on health and fitness.  One of my pick is the Women’s Health-June Issue.  It’s interesting to read.  I enjoyed the scoop pages, Yoga articles, Fit-in-your Jeans Workout and Lab pages. I got inspired with Maja’s Mantra “Go after your goals”.  It seems so timely with my mid-year's resolution. (haha!)  Go and get a digital copy or print copy available in store. 

Heart Pumping Poses

Fit-in-your-Jeans Workout

Fashion Lab Page

Beauty Lab Page

Come on! Join me in my Mid-year's Resolution.  Go and imitate my exercise to achieve strong body and beautiful mind.  Following videos can help us attain the TIGHT ABS we are dreaming.  We can do this at home.  But I'm more comfortable doing exercise in fitness center because I'm inspired with the people in the gym.  I also have the option of doing cardio exercise like hip hop dancing, stretch and tone, zumba, yogilates and a lot more.

It looks so easy to do.  "The key is consistency."  Do the exercise up to what you can do but don't give up when you feel muscle pain.  No pain no effect.  Go for the goal. Do it everyday to become a routine.

We moms have problems with the lower ABS due to pregnancy.  And here is the video that can help achieve the goal.


And of course to have a balance figure.  We must not forget our thigh and butt.

That's for now! Arms, back and chest will be my next focus.

It's important also to watch what and how we eat though it is the hardest part.  That's what we call "tiis ganda".  You just have to pass the critical time(about 2-3 weeks).

Here are my diet scheme:

1. I don't skip full meal breakfast.
2. I avoid eating meats. 
3. More vegetables and fruits.
4. Cereals and Low fat milk for dinner. (Nestle Fitnesse)
5. Saba banana and sweet potato. (my alternative to cereals)
6. Fit n Right

 Go....let's have an active lifestyle.  Health is wealth.  It's one of the great investment.

And of course in anything that we do, we must not forget the guidance from the Lord.  Let's add prayer to our goal.  He will guide us in better result.

Whew! Have a healthy lifestyle!


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