Tuesday, January 12, 2016

How to make a Dream Board

Dreaming is for every one.  Wherever you are in your life, dream.......let's dream and make it happen.

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably see my photo with my dream board.  It was our assignment from The Feast Bay Area.  Mas effective daw kasi na isinusulat mo ang mga dreams mo.  Nakikita mo sya araw-araw to keep you motivated and well-driven.  And because I have a lot of dreams, I made my own dream board. I am feeling optimistic and excited every day to see and accomplish my dreams one by one.  It keeps me driven to do my way on how to achieve those written goals.  In short, I am becoming more responsible for my own goals.  That, I should do what I have to do to meet those in the board.  

I have a confession, it's my first time actually.  Before, I told myself, I'm happy and contented.  There is nothing I want more.  I have a happy family, good health, good job and many friends, what else can I ask for.  But when you are approaching to mid-life (ehem...), changes arrive.  Reality bites eh!  What am I here for?  What is my purpose on earth?  There will be whispers, "you can do more!", "someone needs you", "your value is valuable not only to your family" and a lot of mind-awakening statements.  Those are the reasons why I came up with a Dream Board.  

Here's three simple steps:

1. Answer the following questions:
  1. Reflecting back on the year that has been, what are five things you are deeply grateful for? Maybe it’s an experience, a particular person, or an opportunity you've had?
  2. What are you most proud of this year? Maybe you mastered your Mean Girl in a particular situation? Maybe you launched a book, got married, got a raise, got a promotion, choose love instead of fear or had a baby?
  3. What was your biggest learning/s?
  4. What are three things you can improve on? Maybe you’ve been reacting out of fear in certain situations where you could have been choosing love. Maybe you ignored your intuition about something and in return, got a slap in the face from the Universe.
  5. What do you need to let go of from the past year that is no longer serving you? Maybe it's a relationship, a Mean Girl belief or some sticking habits.
  6. What do you need to stop doing from last year?
  7. Now I want you to list everything you want to celebrate — from the big to the small, and even the things that seem microscopic.

 2. Get a journal and write your goals using the following guidelines.

  1. What are three to five words you would like this next year to emulate? These could be ease, grace, love, soar, presence, adventure, strong, vibrant, balanced, fearless etc.
  2. What are three of your wildest health goals that you would like to achieve in this next year?
  3. What are three of your wildest wealth goals that you would like to achieve in this next year?
  4. What are three of your wildest love goals that you would like to achieve in this next year?
  5. What are three of your wildest travel/adventure goals that you would like to achieve in this next year?
  6. What is your ideal morning routine that you would like to try out next year?
  7. What is your ideal night time routine that you would like to try out next year?
  8. What are five ways you will flex your self-love muscle each day so that you are bursting with love?
  9. What are three passions you would like to make more time for next year? For me it’s writing and photography. What about you?
  10. What will you say NO to?
  11. What will you say YES to?
  12. How can you bring MORE love into the world?
  13. How can you be of service even more?

3. Create a Dream Board

         With your clear vision in you mind, you can do your physical or digital dream board.  

Physical Dream Board:

In an illustration or a cork board, attach pictures that can relate to your goals.  Write anything that can motivate you.  And be as creative as you wish.  Place it in your room and imagine your dream when you wake up and before you go to bed.

Digital Dream Board:

Using photoshop, Word or Keynote, gather images from the Google that relate to your dreams. Save it and make it as your desktop/phone wall paper or screen saver and when you're resting from work you can stare and dream the dreams.

You can do both.

"Don't ever get too busy to stop and take stock of how far you come. And remember, everything is progress.  Everything.  We are always moving forward.  When you fall down, it doesn't mean you're back to square one---from square one you have learnt so much, and you are a better version of yourself than were yesterday.  it's all progress, and you are always moving forward.... so choose to see that way."-Melissa Ambrosini

 So, what are you waiting for? Start writing your dream and achieve it.

                                                                                    Let's make our dreams come true!



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