Sunday, January 17, 2016

Yamoments: Patience

In the Yamoment blog series, I'd like to invite you to take a moment for mindfulness and reflection. I add some picture qoutes, new ideas I am learning and bible verses I find along the way. 

Have fun!

Stay in the moment and enjoy the mindful living. 

Sometimes, we feel frustrated with the slow progress of making our life.  We are in a hurry with the the timetable we set for our life goals and dreams.  Did we not realize that God's time is always on perfect timing.  He uses our journey to prepare ourselves to success.  He develops our character for the life He planned for us.

Great persons grow through challenges and struggles; storms and seasons of suffering.

Just be patient with the process.

Remember how far you've come, not just how far you have to go.  You are not where you want to be but neither are you where you used to be.-Rick Warren

Keep moving forward, even the snail reached the ark by PERSEVERING.

Be Patient, the best is yet to come!


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